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Full Discussion: Shutting down Solaris
Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Shutting down Solaris Post 96845 by tonysequoia on Tuesday 24th of January 2006 08:25:28 AM
Old 01-24-2006
Shutting down Solaris

I have a mix of solaris 8,9 & 10. I need to have our 6 Solaris servers shutdown buy a script that will be executed by APC network Shutdown software

Im really not sure how I would write a script to shut them down and the following processes?

the processes are


the script must be help locally on the server and I need the script to shutdown the server completely off regardless of if the services are on or off.
basically if the processes are on the script shuts them down, including the server
if the processes are not on, the script sees the processes are not and shuts the server down

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SYSTEMD-RC-LOCAL-GENERATOR(8)				    systemd-rc-local-generator				     SYSTEMD-RC-LOCAL-GENERATOR(8)

systemd-rc-local-generator - Compatibility generator for starting /etc/rc.local and /usr/sbin/halt.local during boot and shutdown SYNOPSIS
/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-rc-local-generator DESCRIPTION
systemd-rc-local-generator is a generator that checks whether /etc/rc.local exists and is executable, and if it is pulls the rc-local.service unit into the boot process. This unit is responsible for running this script during late boot. Note that the script will be run with slightly different semantics than the original System V version, which was run "last" in the boot process, which is a concept that does not translate to systemd. The script is run after network.target, but in parallel with most other regular system services. systemd-rc-local-generator also checks whether /usr/sbin/halt.local exists and is executable, and if it is pulls the halt-local.service unit into the shutdown process. This unit is responsible for running this script during later shutdown. Support for both /etc/rc.local and /usr/sbin/halt.local is provided for compatibility with specific System V systems only. However, it is strongly recommended to avoid making use of these scripts today, and instead provide proper unit files with appropriate dependencies for any scripts to run during the boot or shutdown processes. systemd-rc-local-generator implements systemd.generator(7). SEE ALSO
systemd(1), systemctl(1) systemd 237 SYSTEMD-RC-LOCAL-GENERATOR(8)
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