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Full Discussion: Capture IP Adress
Operating Systems AIX Capture IP Adress Post 97105 by pascalbout on Thursday 26th of January 2006 11:02:30 AM
Old 01-26-2006
thank you but sorry, i have nothing for result Smilie

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MYSQL_NUM_FIELDS(3)							 1						       MYSQL_NUM_FIELDS(3)

mysql_num_fields - Get number of fields in result

Warning This extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and will be removed in the future. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used. See also MySQL: choosing an API guide and related FAQ for more information. Alternatives to this function include: omysqli_field_count(3) o PDOStatement::columnCount int mysql_num_fields (resource $result) DESCRIPTION
Retrieves the number of fields from a query. o $ result -The result resource that is being evaluated. This result comes from a call to mysql_query(3). Returns the number of fields in the result set resource on success or FALSE on failure. Example #1 A mysql_num_fields(3) example <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT id,email FROM people WHERE id = '42'"); if (!$result) { echo 'Could not run query: ' . mysql_error(); exit; } /* returns 2 because id,email === two fields */ echo mysql_num_fields($result); ?> Note For backward compatibility, the following deprecated alias may be used: mysql_numfields(3) mysql_select_db(3), mysql_query(3), mysql_fetch_field(3), mysql_num_rows(3). PHP Documentation Group MYSQL_NUM_FIELDS(3)
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