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Full Discussion: handling spaces in unix
Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting handling spaces in unix Post 9900 by rwb1959 on Monday 5th of November 2001 11:33:06 AM
Old 11-05-2001
It looks like you are passing 11 command line args.
(the 3rd one is missing a quote - typo?)
The "" and "" I assume are "empty" strings you wish to
pass as args 8 and 9?
You should be able to pass arguments containing
spaces in single or double quotes without a problem.

You can add...
set -x
...to your script and actually trace the variable assigments
during execution and hopfully find the error.

If your still having problems, it might help to see the script.

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eval(n) 						       Tcl Built-In Commands							   eval(n)


eval - Evaluate a Tcl script SYNOPSIS
eval arg ?arg ...? _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
Eval takes one or more arguments, which together comprise a Tcl script containing one or more commands. Eval concatenates all its argu- ments in the same fashion as the concat command, passes the concatenated string to the Tcl interpreter recursively, and returns the result of that evaluation (or any error generated by it). Note that the list command quotes sequences of words in such a way that they are not further expanded by the eval command. EXAMPLES
Often, it is useful to store a fragment of a script in a variable and execute it later on with extra values appended. This technique is used in a number of places throughout the Tcl core (e.g. in fcopy, lsort and trace command callbacks). This example shows how to do this using core Tcl commands: set script { puts "logging now" lappend $myCurrentLogVar } set myCurrentLogVar log1 # Set up a switch of logging variable part way through! after 20000 set myCurrentLogVar log2 for {set i 0} {$i<10} {incr i} { # Introduce a random delay after [expr {int(5000 * rand())}] update ;# Check for the asynch log switch eval $script $i [clock clicks] } Note that in the most common case (where the script fragment is actually just a list of words forming a command prefix), it is better to | use {*}$script when doing this sort of invocation pattern. It is less general than the eval command, and hence easier to make robust in | practice. The following procedure acts in a way that is analogous to the lappend command, except it inserts the argument values at the start of the list in the variable: proc lprepend {varName args} { upvar 1 $varName var # Ensure that the variable exists and contains a list lappend var # Now we insert all the arguments in one go set var [eval [list linsert $var 0] $args] } However, the last line would now normally be written without eval, like this: | set var [linsert $var 0 {*}$args] | SEE ALSO
catch(n), concat(n), error(n), interp(n), list(n), namespace(n), subst(n), tclvars(n), uplevel(n) KEYWORDS
concatenate, evaluate, script Tcl eval(n)
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