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ehci(4) [centos man page]

EHCI(4)                                                    BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual                                                    EHCI(4)

ehci -- USB Enhanced Host Controller driver SYNOPSIS
device ehci DESCRIPTION
The ehci driver provides support for the USB Enhanced Host Controller Interface, which is used by USB 2.0 controllers. EHCI controllers are peculiar in that they can only handle the USB 2.0 protocol. This means that they normally have one or more companion controllers (i.e., ohci(4) or uhci(4)) handling USB 1.x devices. Consequently each USB connector is electrically connected to two USB con- trollers. The handling of this is totally automatic, but can be noticed since USB 1.x and USB 2.0 devices plugged in to the same connector appear to connect to different USB busses. SEE ALSO
ohci(4), uhci(4), usb(4) HISTORY
The ehci device driver first appeared in FreeBSD 5.1. BUGS
The driver is not finished and is quite buggy. There is currently no support for isochronous transfers. BSD March 20, 2005 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

UDAV(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   UDAV(4)

udav -- Davicom DM9601 USB Ethernet driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device ehci device uhci device ohci device usb device miibus device udav Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): if_udav_load="YES" HARDWARE
The udav driver supports the following adapters: o Corega FEther USB-TXC o ShanTou ST268 USB NIC DESCRIPTION
The udav driver provides support for USB Ethernet adapters based on the Davicom DM9601 chipset. For more information on configuring this device, see ifconfig(8). SEE ALSO
altq(4), arp(4), miibus(4), netintro(4), ng_ether(4), usb(4), ifconfig(8) Davicom DM9601 data sheet, HISTORY
The udav device driver first appeared in NetBSD 2.0. AUTHORS
The udav driver was written by Shingo WATANABE <>. BSD
July 16, 2005 BSD
Man Page

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