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unregister_netdevice_notifier(9) [centos man page]

UNREGISTER_NETDEVICE(9) 				      Network device support					   UNREGISTER_NETDEVICE(9)

unregister_netdevice_notifier - unregister a network notifier block SYNOPSIS
int unregister_netdevice_notifier(struct notifier_block * nb); ARGUMENTS
nb notifier DESCRIPTION
Unregister a notifier previously registered by register_netdevice_notifier. The notifier is unlinked into the kernel structures and may then be reused. A negative errno code is returned on a failure. After unregistering unregister and down device events are synthesized for all devices on the device list to the removed notifier to remove the need for special case cleanup code. COPYRIGHT
Kernel Hackers Manual 3.10 June 2014 UNREGISTER_NETDEVICE(9)

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notifier(7)							    Apple Inc.							       notifier(7)

notifier - cups notification interface SYNOPSIS
notifier recipient [ user-data ] DESCRIPTION
The CUPS notifier interface provides a standard method for adding support for new event notification methods to CUPS. Each notifier deliv- ers one or more IPP events from the standard input to the specified recipient. Notifiers must read IPP messages from the standard input using the ippNew and ippReadFile functions and exit on error. Notifiers are encouraged to exit after a suitable period of inactivity, however they may exit after reading the first message or stay running until an error is seen. LOG MESSAGES
Messages sent to stderr are generally logged to the current ErrorLog. Each line begins with a standard prefix: ALERT: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "alert" log level. CRIT: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "critical" log level. DEBUG: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "debug" log level. DEBUG2: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "debug2" log level. EMERG: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "emergency" log level. ERROR: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "error" log level. INFO: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute. If the current LogLevel is set to "debug2", also adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "info" log level. NOTICE: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "notice" log level. WARNING: message Sets the printer-state-message attribute and adds the specified message to the current ErrorLog using the "warning" log level. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
The following environment variables are defined by the CUPS server when executing the notifier: CHARSET The default text character set, typically utf-8. CUPS_CACHEDIR The directory for semi-persistent cache files can be found. CUPS_DATADIR The directory where data files can be found. CUPS_FILETYPE The type of file being printed: "job-sheet" for a banner page and "document" for a regular print file. CUPS_SERVERROOT The root directory of the server. LANG The default language locale (typically C or en). PATH The standard execution path for external programs that may be run by the filter. SOFTWARE The name and version number of the server (typically CUPS/1.2). TZ The timezone of the server. USER The user executing the filter, typically "lp"; consult the cupsd.conf(5) file for the current setting. SEE ALSO
backend(7), cupsd(8), filter(7), http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc. 12 May 2009 CUPS notifier(7)
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