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pppob(1) [debian man page]

PPPOB(1)						      General Commands Manual							  PPPOB(1)

pppob - Barry Project's program to access the Blackberry modem for pppd SYNOPSIS
pppob [-l filename][-p pin][-P password][-s][-v] DESCRIPTION
pppob is a program suitable for use in pppd's pty option file. It talks to an available Blackberry and provides modem access on stdin and stdout. OPTIONS
-l filename Causes verbose debug output from the -v switch to be written to filename instead of stderr. -p pin PIN of device to talk with. Only needed if you have more than one Blackberry connected at once. -P password Simplistic method to specify device password. In a real application, this would be done using a more secure prompt. -s Use Serial mode instead of the default IpModem mode. Older Blackberries used a serial mode based on a similar protocol to what database access uses for retrieving data. Each packet had a size and socket number prepended to the actual modem data. Newer Blackberries have dedicated USB endpoints that behave as read/write points, and do not bother with this size/socket format, and therefore transfer less data across the USB bus. By default, pppob tries to use IpModem mode if proper endpoints are detected, and otherwise falls back to Serial mode. This switch skips IpModem mode entirely and tries Serial mode immediately. -v Dump verbose protocol data to stderr during operation. AUTHOR
pppob is part of the Barry project. SEE ALSO May 29, 2008 PPPOB(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

BARRYBACKUP(1)						      General Commands Manual						    BARRYBACKUP(1)

barrybackup - Barry Project's backup program for the BlackBerry handheld SYNOPSIS
barrybackup [-?][-d] DESCRIPTION
barrybackup is a GUI application for backing up and restoring Blackberry handheld databases. The application allows for filtering of databases for both backup and restore, so not all databases need to be backed up at once, nor all restored. Backups and configuration files are stored by default in the user's home directory, under ~/.barry/backup/PIN. This destination can be changed in the config dialogs, per device. The backup files are compressed tarballs containing specially named files for each record of the databases. OPTIONS
-d --debug-output Enables low level protocol debug output written to stdout/stderr. --display=DISPLAY Specify which X display to use. -? --help Show summary of options. -h, --help Show summary of options. TAR FORMAT
Backups are stored in tar format, compressed with gzip. Backup files are named with the following pattern: PIN-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS[-tag_name].tar.gz The tag name is optional and is used to name a particular backup. Each record is appended to the tar file using the following pattern for the filename: DBname/RecordID RecordTypeID That is, the database name is used as the directory name, and the filename contains the record ID and record type ID separated by a space. Database names can contain spaces. Record IDs are generally unique, but not all Blackberry devices mandate this, so it is possible, but rare, to have two records in the tar file with the same filename. This is ok. The only problem you'd see is if you expanded such a tar file to a filesystem. The restore process just reads in the filename sequentially and writes them to the device, so duplicate record IDs are not a problem. AUTHOR
barrybackup is part of the Barry project. This manual page was written by Chris Frey. SEE ALSO July 28, 2009 BARRYBACKUP(1)
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