mod2html(1p) [debian man page]
MOD2HTML(1p) User Contributed Perl Documentation MOD2HTML(1p) NAME
mod2html - translate module PODs to HTML SYNOPSIS
"mod2html" ["--base" url] ["--css" url] ["--index" title] ["--"["no"]"toc"] ["--hr" level] ["--bgcolor" #rrggbb] ["--text" #rrggbb] modDir HTMLdir DESCRIPTION
"mod2html" locates all the PODs under modDir translates them to HTML, and writes them to a directory tree under HTMLdir. The directory tree maps the module namespaces. It makes the HTML files world-readable. OPTIONS
"--base" url Translate "L<>" sequences into HTML links relative to url. "--css" url Specifies a Cascanding Style Sheet for the generated HTML page. "--index" title Writes an index of all the HTML files to HTMLDir/index.html. title is used as the title of the index page. "--"["no"]"toc" Includes or omits the table of contents. Default is to include the TOC. "--hr" level Controls the profusion of horizontal lines in the output, as follows: level horizontal lines 0 none 1 between TOC and body 2 after each =head1 3 after each =head1 and =head2 Default is level 1. "--bgcolor" #rrggbb Set the background color to #rrggbb. Default is white. "--text" #rrggbb Set the text color to #rrggbb. Default is black. REQUIRES
"Pod::Tree::HTML" SEE ALSO
"pod2html", "pods2html", "Pod::Tree::HTML" AUTHOR
Steven McDougall, <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2003 by Steven McDougall. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl. perl v5.10.1 2004-10-11 MOD2HTML(1p)
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Pod::Tree::PerlTop(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Pod::Tree::PerlTop(3pm) NAME
Pod::Tree::PerlTop - generate a top-level index for Perl PODs SYNOPSIS
$perl_map = new Pod::Tree::PerlMap; $perl_top = new Pod::Tree::PerlTop $perl_dir, $HTML_dir, $perl_map, %opts; $perl_top->index(@translators); $perl_top->translate; $top = $perl_top->get_top_entry; DESCRIPTION
"Pod::Tree::PerlTop" generates a top-level index for Perl PODs. It also translates perl.pod to perl.html The translator is specially hacked to insert links into the big verbatim paragraph that lists all the other Perl PODs. METHODS
$perl_top = "new" "Pod::Tree::PerlTop" $perl_dir, $HTML_dir, $perl_map, %options Creates and returns a new "Pod::Tree::PerlTop" object. $perl_dir is the root of the Perl source tree. $HTML_dir is the directory where HTML files will be written. $perl_map maps POD names to URLs. "Pod::Tree::PerlTop" uses it to resolve links in the perl.pod page. %options are passed through to "Pod::Tree::HTML". $perl_top->"index"(@translators) Generates a top-level index of all the PODs. The index is written to HTML_dir"/index.html". @translators is a list of other "Pod::Tree::Perl*" translator objects. "index" makes a "get_top_entry" call on each of them to obtain URLs and descriptions of the pages that it links to. $perl_top->"translate" Translates the perl.pod file to HTML. The HTML page is written to HTML_dir"/pod/perl.html" $perl_top->"get_top_entry" Returns a hash reference of the form { URL => $URL, description => $description } "Pod::Tree::PerlTop" uses this to build a top-level index of all the Perl PODs. REQUIRES
5.005; Pod::Tree::HTML; Pod::Tree::PerlUtil; EXPORTS
Nothing. SEE ALSO
"Pod::Tree::HTML", "Pod::Tree::PerlMap", AUTHOR
Steven McDougall, COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2000 by Steven McDougall. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl. perl v5.10.1 2006-04-17 Pod::Tree::PerlTop(3pm)