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zipios_backbuffer(3) [debian man page]

zipios::BackBuffer(3)					     Library Functions Manual					     zipios::BackBuffer(3)

zipios::BackBuffer - A BackBuffer instance is useful for reading the last part of a file in an efficient manner, when it is not known exactly how far back (towards the front!) to go, to find the start of the desired data block. SYNOPSIS
#include <backbuffer.h> Inherits vector< unsigned char >. Public Member Functions BackBuffer (istream &is, VirtualSeeker vs=VirtualSeeker(), int chunk_size=1024) BackBuffer constructor. int readChunk (int &read_pointer) Reads another chunk and returns the size of the chunk that has been read. Detailed Description A BackBuffer instance is useful for reading the last part of a file in an efficient manner, when it is not known exactly how far back (towards the front!) to go, to find the start of the desired data block. BackBuffer is a vector< unsigned char > that fills itself with data from a file by reading chunks from the end of the file progressing towards the start. Upon construction the BackBuffer instance is associated with a file and a chunksize can be specified. To read a chunk of the file into the BackBuffer call readChunk(). Definition at line 32 of file backbuffer.h. Constructor &; Destructor Documentation zipios::BackBuffer::BackBuffer (istream &is, VirtualSeekervs = VirtualSeeker(), intchunk_size = 1024) [inline, explicit] BackBuffer constructor. Parameters: is The istream to read the data from. The stream must be seekable, as BackBuffer will reposition the file position to read chunks from the back of the file. chunk_size specifies the size of the chunks to read the file into the BackBuffer in. Exceptions: FCollException Thrown if the VirtualSeeker vs that has been specified is invalid for the istream is. Definition at line 61 of file backbuffer.h. Member Function Documentation int zipios::BackBuffer::readChunk (int &read_pointer) [inline] Reads another chunk and returns the size of the chunk that has been read. Returns 0 on I/O failure. Parameters: read_pointer When a new chunk is read in the already stored bytes change position in the BackBuffer. read_pointer is assumed by readChunk() to be a pointer into a position in the BackBuffer, and is updated to point to the same position in the file as it pointed to before the new chunk was read. Definition at line 75 of file backbuffer.h. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for Zipios++ from the source code. Zipios++ Mon Oct 10 2011 zipios::BackBuffer(3)

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zipios::InflateInputStreambuf(3)			     Library Functions Manual				  zipios::InflateInputStreambuf(3)

zipios::InflateInputStreambuf - InflateInputStreambuf is an input stream filter, that inflates the input from the attached input stream. SYNOPSIS
#include <inflateinputstreambuf.h> Inherits zipios::FilterInputStreambuf. Inherited by zipios::ZipInputStreambuf. Public Member Functions InflateInputStreambuf (streambuf *inbuf, int s_pos=-1, bool del_inbuf=false) InflateInputStreambuf constructor. bool reset (int stream_position=-1) Resets the zlib stream and purges input and output buffers. Protected Member Functions virtual int underflow () Protected Attributes const int _outvecsize vector< char > _outvec Detailed Description InflateInputStreambuf is an input stream filter, that inflates the input from the attached input stream. Deflation/Inflation is a compression/decompression method used in gzip and zip. The zlib library is used to perform the actual inflation, this class only wraps the functionality in an input stream filter. Definition at line 22 of file inflateinputstreambuf.h. Constructor &; Destructor Documentation zipios::InflateInputStreambuf::InflateInputStreambuf (streambuf *inbuf, ints_pos = -1, booldel_inbuf = false) [explicit] InflateInputStreambuf constructor. Parameters: inbuf the streambuf to use for input. s_pos a position to reset the inbuf to before reading. Specify -1 to read from the current position. del_inbuf if true is specified inbuf will be deleted, when the InflateInputStreambuf is destructed. Definition at line 18 of file inflateinputstreambuf.cpp. Member Function Documentation bool zipios::InflateInputStreambuf::reset (intstream_position = -1) Resets the zlib stream and purges input and output buffers. repositions the input streambuf at stream_position. Parameters: stream_position a position to reset the inbuf to before reading. Specify -1 to read from the current position. Definition at line 117 of file inflateinputstreambuf.cpp. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for Zipios++ from the source code. Zipios++ Mon Oct 10 2011 zipios::InflateInputStreambuf(3)
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