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class::dbi::test::sqlite(3pm) [debian man page]

Class::DBI::Test::SQLite(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			     Class::DBI::Test::SQLite(3pm)

Class::DBI::Test::SQLite - Base class for Class::DBI tests SYNOPSIS
use base 'Class::DBI::Test::SQLite'; __PACKAGE__->set_table('test'); __PACKAGE__->columns(All => qw/id name film salary/); sub create_sql { return q{ id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(40), film VARCHAR(255), salary INT } } DESCRIPTION
This provides a simple base class for Class::DBI tests using SQLite. Each class for the test should inherit from this, provide a create_sql() method which returns a string representing the SQL used to create the table for the class, and then call set_table() to create the table, and tie it to the class. METHODS
set_table __PACKAGE__->set_table('test'); This combines creating the table with the normal Class::DBI table() call. create_sql (abstract) sub create_sql { return q{ id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name CHAR(40), film VARCHAR(255), salary INT } } This should return, as a text string, the schema for the table represented by this class. perl v5.12.4 2005-05-24 Class::DBI::Test::SQLite(3pm)

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Class::DBI::Cascade::None(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			    Class::DBI::Cascade::None(3pm)

Class::DBI::Cascade::None - Do nothing upon deletion DESCRIPTION
This is a Cascading Delete strategy that will do nothing, leaving orphaned records behind. It is the base class for most ofther Cascade strategies, and so provides several important methods: CONSTRUCTOR
new my $strategy = Cascade::Class->new($Relationship); This must be instantiated with a Class::DBI::Relationship object. METHODS
foreign_for my $iterator = $strategy->foreign_for($obj); This will return all the objects which are foreign to $obj across the relationship. It's a normal Class::DBI search you can get the results either as a list or as an iterator. cascade $strategy->cascade($obj); Cascade across the related objects to $obj. WRITING NEW STRATEGIES
Creating a Cascade strategy should be fairly simple. You usually just need to inherit from here, and then supply a cascade() method that does the required thing with the results from foreign_for(). So, for example, Cascade::Delete is implemented simply as: package Class::DBI::Cascade::Delete; use base 'Class::DBI::Cascade::None'; sub cascade { my ($self, $obj) = @_; $self->foreign_for($obj)->delete_all; } perl v5.12.4 2005-09-14 Class::DBI::Cascade::None(3pm)
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