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FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::Inventory(3pm) User Contributed Perl DocumentationFusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::Inventory(3pm)

FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::Inventory - Inventory data structure DESCRIPTION
This is a data structure corresponding to an hardware and software inventory. METHODS
new(%params) The constructor. The following parameters are allowed, as keys of the %params hash: logger a logger object statedir a path to a writable directory containing the last serialized inventory tag an arbitrary label, used for server-side filtering getContent() Get content attribute. mergeContent($content) Merge content to the inventory. addEntry(%params) Add a new entry to the inventory. The following parameters are allowed, as keys of the %params hash: section the entry section (mandatory) entry the entry (mandatory) noDuplicated ignore entry if already present setTag($tag) Set inventory tag, an arbitrary label used for filtering on server side. setHardware() Save global information regarding the machine. setOperatingSystem() Operating System information. setBios() Set BIOS informations. setAccessLog() What is that for? :) computeChecksum() Compute the inventory checksum. This information is used by the server to know which parts of the inventory have changed since the last one. computeLegacyValues() Compute the inventory global values, meaning values in hardware section such as CPU number, speed and model, computed from other values, but needed for OCS compatibility. saveLastState() At the end of the process IF the inventory was saved correctly, the last_state is saved. DATA MODEL
This section presents the various entry types, with their attributes. The names correspond to the historical OCS format. BIOS SMODEL System model SMANUFACTURER System manufacturer SSN System Serial number BDATE BIOS release date BVERSION The BIOS revision BMANUFACTURER BIOS manufacturer MMANUFACTURER Motherboard Manufacturer MSN Motherboard Serial MMODEL Motherboard model ASSETTAG ENCLOSURESERIAL BIOSSERIAL The optional asset tag for this machine. TYPE depcreated, replace by HARDWARE/CHASSIS_TYPE CONTROLLERS CAPTION Windows CAPTION field or subsystem Name from the pci.ids table DRIVER NAME The device name, the on from the PCIIDs DB MANUFACTURER The manifacturer name, the on from the PCIIDs DB PCICLASS The PCI class ID PCIID The PCI ID, e.g: 8086:2a40 (only for PCI device) PCISUBSYSTEMID The PCI subsystem ID, e.g: 8086:2a40 (only for PCI device) PCISLOT The PCI slot, e.g: 00:02.1 (only for PCI device) TYPE The controller revision, e.g: rev 02. This field may be renamed in the future. REV Revision of the device in the XX format (e.g: 04) MEMORIES CAPACITY CAPTION E.g: Physical Memory DESCRIPTION FORMFACTOR Only available on Windows, See Win32_PhysicalMemory documentation on MSDN. REMOVABLE PURPOSE Only avalaible on Windows, See Win32_PhysicalMemory documentation on MSDN. SPEED In Mhz, e.g: 800 TYPE NUMSLOTS Eg. 2, start at 1, not 0 SERIALNUMBER CPUS CACHESIZE The total CPU cache size in KB. e.g: 3072 CORE Number of core. DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER AMD/Intel/Transmeta/Cyrix/VIA/Sun Microsystems//Fujitsu NAME The name of the CPU, e.g: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40GHz THREAD Number of thread per core. SERIAL Serial number SPEED Frequency in MHz ID The CPU ID: STEPPING Stepping value (Contained in CPUID) MODEL Model value (Contained in CPUID) FAMILYNUMBER Family value (Contained in CPUID) FAMILYNAME Family Name DRIVES Drive is actually a filesystem. Virtual filesystem like /proc or /sys are ignored. CREATEDATE Date of creation of the filesystem in DD/MM/YYYY format. DESCRIPTION FREE Free space (MB) FILESYSTEM File system name. e.g: ext3 LABEL Name of the partition given by the user. LETTER Windows driver letter. Windows only SERIAL Partition serial number or UUID SYSTEMDRIVE Boolean. Is this the system partition? TOTAL Total space available (MB) TYPE The mount point on UNIX. VOLUMN System name of the partition (e.g: /dev/sda1 or server:/directory for NFS) HARDWARE USERID The current user list, '/' is the delimiter. This field is deprecated, you should use the USERS section instead. OSVERSION Version number of the operating system. This field will be deprecated in the future, please use OPERATINGSYSTEM/VERSION or OPERATINGSYSTEM/KERNEL_VERSION instead. PROCESSORN OSCOMMENTS Service Pack on Windows, kernel build date on Linux CHECKSUM Deprecated, OCS only. PROCESSORT Deprecated, OCS only. NAME PROCESSORS The processor speed in MHz, this field is deprecated, see CPUS instead. SWAP The swap space in MB. ETIME The time needed to run the inventory on the agent side. TYPE OSNAME Full name of the operating system as reported by itself. This field will be deprecated in the future, please use OPERATINGSYSTEM/NAME or OPERATINGSYSTEM/FULL_NAME instead. IPADDR WORKGROUP DESCRIPTION Computer description (Windows only so far) MEMORY Total system memory in MB UUID DNS LASTLOGGEDUSER The login of the last logged user. USERDOMAIN This field is deprecated, you should use the USERS section instead. DATELASTLOGGEDUSER DEFAULTGATEWAY VMSYSTEM The virtualization technology used if the machine is a virtual machine. Can be: Physical: (default) Xen VirtualBox Virtual Machine: Generic if it's not possible to correctly identify the solution VMware: ESX, ESXi, server, etc QEMU SolarisZone VServer OpenVZ BSDJail Parallels Hyper-V WINOWNER WINPRODID WINPRODKEY WINCOMPANY WINLANG Language code of the Windows CHASSIS_TYPE The computer chassis format (e.g: Notebook, Laptop, Server, etc) OPERATINGSYSTEM KERNEL_NAME The name of the kernel used by this operating system, e.g freebsd, linux, hpux, win32, etc (linux for android). KERNEL_VERSION Version of the operating system's kernel, e.g 2.6.32 for Linux, 5.2.x.y on Windows Server 2003, etc. NAME Name of the Operating System ("Distributor ID" in LSB terms), e.g Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, SUSE LINUX, Windows, MacOSX, FreeBSD, AIX, Android, etc. VERSION Version of the operating system distribution ("Release" in LSB terms), e.g 11.04 on Ubuntu natty, 5.0.8 on Debian Lenny, 5.4 on CentOS 5.4, 2003 for Windows Server 2003, etc. FULL_NAME Full name of the operating system as reported by itself, e.g "Debian GNU/Linux unstable (sid)" or "Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition x64". This is also contained in the HARDWARE/OSNAME field which will be deprecated in the future. SERVICE_PACK The Service Pack level reported by the operating system. This field is only present on systems which use this notion. INSTALL_DATE The operating system installation date. MONITORS BASE64 The uuencoded EDID trame. Optional. CAPTION DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER The manufacturer retrieved from the EDID trame. SERIAL The serial number retrieved from the EDID trame. UUENCODE The uuencoded EDID trame. Optional. PORTS Serial, Parallel, SATA, etc CAPTION DESCRIPTION NAME TYPE SLOTS Represents physical connection points including ports, motherboard slots and peripherals, and proprietary connection points. This information is hardly reliable. CAPACITY CAPTION FORMFACTOR REMOVABLE PURPOSE TYPE DESCRIPTION STORAGES DESCRIPTION The long name of the device displayed to the user. DISKSIZE The disk size in MB. INTERFACE INTERFACE can be SCSI/HDC/IDE/USB/1394/Serial-ATA/SAS or empty if unknown MANUFACTURER MODEL The commercial name of the device NAME The name of the device as seen by the system. E.g: hda (Linux), \.PHYSICALDRIVE0 (Windows) TYPE The kind of device. There is no standard for the format of the string in this field. SERIAL The harddrive serial number SERIALNUMBER Deprecated. The harddrive serial number, same as SERIAL. FIRMWARE SCSI_COID SCSI_CHID SCSI_UNID SCSI_LUN WWN World Wide Name SOFTWARES COMMENTS FILESIZE FOLDER FROM Where the information about the software came from, can be: registry, rpm, deb, etc HELPLINK INSTALLDATE Installation day in DD/MM/YYYY format. Windows only. NAME NO_REMOVE Can the software be removed. RELEASE_TYPE Windows only for now, come from the registry PUBLISHER UNINSTALL_STRING Windows only, come from the registry URL_INFO_ABOUT VERSION VERSION_MINOR Windows only, come from the registry VERSION_MAJOR Windows only, come from the registry IS64BIT If the software is in 32 or 64bit, (1/0) GUID Windows software GUID USERS LOGIN DOMAIN The Windows domain of the user, if available. VIDEOS CHIPSET MEMORY Video card memory in MB NAME RESOLUTION Resolution in pixel. 1024x768. PCISLOT The local PCI slot ID if the video card use PCI. VIRTUALMACHINES MEMORY Memory size, in MB. NAME The name of the virtual machine. UUID STATUS The VM status: running, idle, paused, shutdown, crashed, dying, off SUBSYSTEM The virtualisation software. E.g: VmWare ESX VMTYPE The name of the virtualisation system family. The same type found is HARDWARE/VMSYSTEM VCPU Number of CPU affected to the virtual machine VMID The ID of virtual machine in the virtual managment system. MAC The list of the MAC addresses of the virtual machine. The delimiter is '/'. e.g: 00:23:18:91:db:8d/00:23:57:31:sb:8e COMMENT a comment OWNER SOUNDS DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER NAME MODEMS DESCRIPTION NAME ENVS Environment variables KEY VAL UPDATES Windows updates ID Update Id KB List of KB, delimiter is '/' USBDEVICES USB Devices VENDORID Vendor USB ID. 4 hexa char. PRODUCTID Product USB ID. 4 hexa char. SERIAL CLASS USB Class (e.g: 8 for Mass Storage) SUBCLASS USB Sub Class NAME The name of the device (optional) NETWORKS A network configuration. DESCRIPTION The name of the interface as seen in the OS settings, e.g: eth0 (Linux) or AMD PCNET Family Ethernet Adapter (Windows) DRIVER The name of the driver used by the network interface IPADDRESS IPADDRESS6 IPDHCP The IP address of the DHCP server (optional). IPGATEWAY IPMASK IPSUBNET MACADDR MTU PCISLOT The PCI slot name. STATUS Up or Down TYPE Interface type: Ethernet, Wifi VIRTUALDEV If the interface exist or not (1 or empty) SLAVES Bonded interfaces list in the eth0/eth1/eth2 format (/ is the separator). MANAGEMENT Whether or not it is a HP iLO, Sun SC, HP MP or other kind of Remote Management Interface SPEED Interface speed in Mb/s BSSID Wifi only, Access point MAC Address SSID Wifi only, Access point name BATTERIES CAPACITY Battery capacity in mWh DATE Manufacture date in DD/MM/YYYY format NAME Name of the device SERIAL Serial number MANUFACTURER Battery manufacturer VOLTAGE Voltage in mV PRINTERS COMMENT DESCRIPTION DRIVER NAME NETWORK Network: True(1) if it's a network printer PORT RESOLUTION Resolution: eg. 600x600 SHARED Shared: True if the printer is shared (Win32) STATUS Status: See Win32_Printer.PrinterStatus ERRSTATUS ErrStatus: See Win32_Printer.ExtendedDetectedErrorState SERVERNAME SHARENAME PRINTPROCESSOR SERIAL The serial number PROCESSES USER The process owner PID The process Id CPUUSAGE The CPU usage. MEM The memory. VIRTUALMEMORY TTY STARTED When the process has been started in YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM format CMD The command. ANTIVIRUS COMPANY Comapny name NAME GUID Unique ID ENABLED 1 if the antivirus is enabled. UPTODATE 1 if the antivirus is up to date. VERSION LOGICAL_VOLUMES A LVM Logical Volume LVNAME The volume name. VGNAME The volume group name. ATTR The special attribue used on this volume (e.g: a-) SIZE The size of the volume on MB. UUID The volume UUID. PHYSICAL_VOLUMES DEVICE The device name. Eg.: /dev/sda1 on Linux. PV_NAME The physical device name. FORMAT The format. E.g: lvm2. ATTR The LVM attribue in use for this phyisical device. SIZE The size in MB. PV_UUID The UUID. PV_PE_COUNT Item PV_PE_COUNT PE_SIZE Item PE_SIZE VOLUME_GROUPS A LVM Volume group. VGNAME The name of the volume group. PV_COUNT LV_COUNT ATTR The volume group LVM attribue. SIZE The size. FREE The free space. UUID The UUID perl v5.14.2 2012-06-25 FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Inventory::Inventory(3pm)
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