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gpt_build_config(8) [debian man page]

GPT_BUILD_CONFIG(8)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				       GPT_BUILD_CONFIG(8)

gpt_build_config - Returns a minimized list of ldflags from a list of globus packages and external libraries. SYNOPSIS
gpt_build_config -src <source metadata file> -f <globus_flavor_name> -link [static|shared] DESCRIPTION
gpt_build_config creates a file in it's current directory named that contains a list of necessary flags assembled from the build environment metadata of the packages on which the source metadata depends. This scanning is done recursively to cover the entire dependency tree. This script was initially inspired by the shell script gnome_config. LINK ORDER
The flag list returned by gpt_build_config is assembled in dependent order. A dependency between two libraries occurs when one library needs the symbols of another library in order to link correctly. For most linkers the library providing the symbols has to be linked after the library that needs the symbols. For example, from the line: -L/opt/Xpm/lib -lXpm -L/usr/lib/X11 -lXm -lX gpt_build_config assumes that the library Xpm is dependent on Xm which in turn is dependent on X. In addition, gpt_build_config assumes that Xpm is located in /opt/Xpm/lib and Xm and X are both located in /usr/lib/X11. BUGS
Circular dependencies between libraries are not supported. AUTHOR
Michael Bletzinger <> and Eric Blau <> perl v5.14.2 2012-04-30 GPT_BUILD_CONFIG(8)

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GPT-VERIFY(8)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					     GPT-VERIFY(8)

gpt-verify - Verify dependencies needed for Globus are avaliable. SYNOPSIS
gpt-verify [ -sdk -bundle -help -version -man ] DESCRIPTION
gpt-verify is used to verify both runtime and setup dependencies along with setup packages for the current Globus installation. gpt-verify will serach through the list of dependencies and make sure that each is met. If a problem is found, gpt-verify will exit with an error and list missing files. OPTIONS
-sdk: Verify build dependencies. -bundle Verify installed bundles only. -help Print a brief help message and exits. -man Prints the manual page and exits. -version Prints the version of GPT and exits. SEE ALSO
gpt-install(8) gpt-uninstall(8) gpt-query(8) gpt-postinstall(8) AUTHOR
Michael Bletzinger <> and Eric Blau <> perl v5.14.2 2012-04-30 GPT-VERIFY(8)
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