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tt_message_rejecter(3) [hpux man page]

tt_message_rejecter(library call)										 tt_message_rejecter(library call)

tt_message_rejecter -- return offer's nth rejecting procid SYNOPSIS
#include <Tt/tt_c.h> char *tt_message_rejecter( Tt_message m, int n); DESCRIPTION
The tt_message_rejecter function returns the procid of the nth rejecter of the specified message. The m argument is the opaque handle for the message involved in this operation. The n argument is the number of the rejecter to be returned. The first rejecter is numbered zero. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, the tt_message_rejecter function returns the procid of the nth rejecter. The application can use tt_ptr_error to extract one of the following Tt_status values from the returned pointer: TT_OK The operation completed successfully. TT_ERR_PROCID There is no valid default procid, perhaps because tt_open has not yet been called. TT_ERR_NUM The integer value passed was invalid (out of range). TT_ERR_STATE The specified message is not in state TT_RETURNED. Since only TT_OFFERs can be in state TT_RETURNED, this status will be returned if the specified message is a TT_NOTICE or a TT_REQUEST. TT_ERR_POINTER The pointer passed does not point to an object of the correct type for this operation. APPLICATION USAGE
The application can use tt_free to free any data stored in the address returned by the ToolTalk API. SEE ALSO
Tt/tt_c.h - Tttt_c(5), tt_message_rejecters_count(3), tt_ptr_error(3), tt_free(3). tt_message_rejecter(library call)

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tt_message_abstainer(library call)										tt_message_abstainer(library call)

tt_message_abstainer -- return offer's nth abstaining procid SYNOPSIS
#include <Tt/tt_c.h> char *tt_message_abstainer( Tt_message m, int n); DESCRIPTION
The tt_message_abstainer function returns the procid of the nth abstainer of the specified message. The m argument is the opaque handle for the message involved in this operation. The n argument is the number of the abstainer to be returned. The first abstainer is numbered zero. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, the tt_message_abstainer function returns the procid of the nth abstainer. The application can use tt_ptr_error to extract one of the following Tt_status values from the returned pointer: TT_OK The operation completed successfully. TT_ERR_PROCID There is no valid default procid, perhaps because tt_open has not yet been called. TT_ERR_NUM The integer value passed was invalid (out of range). TT_ERR_STATE The specified message is not in state TT_RETURNED. Since only TT_OFFERs can be in state TT_RETURNED, this status will be returned if the specified message is a TT_NOTICE or a TT_REQUEST. TT_ERR_POINTER The pointer passed does not point to an object of the correct type for this operation. APPLICATION USAGE
The application can use tt_free to free any data stored in the address returned by the ToolTalk API. SEE ALSO
Tt/tt_c.h - Tttt_c(5), tt_message_abstainers_count(3), tt_ptr_error(3), tt_free(3). tt_message_abstainer(library call)
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