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seekableiterator(3) [php man page]


The SeekableIterator interface

The Seekable iterator. INTERFACE SYNOPSIS
SeekableIterator SeekableIteratorextends Iterator Methods o abstractpublic void SeekableIterator::seek (int $position) Inherited methods o abstractpublic mixed Iterator::current (void ) o abstractpublic scalar Iterator::key (void ) o abstractpublic void Iterator::next (void ) o abstractpublic void Iterator::rewind (void ) o abstractpublic boolean Iterator::valid (void ) Example #1 Basic usage This example demonstrates creating a custom SeekableIterator, seeking to a position and handling an invalid position. <?php class MySeekableIterator implements SeekableIterator { private $position; private $array = array( "first element", "second element", "third element", "fourth element" ); /* Method required for SeekableIterator interface */ public function seek($position) { if (!isset($this->array[$position])) { throw new OutOfBoundsException("invalid seek position ($position)"); } $this->position = $position; } /* Methods required for Iterator interface */ public function rewind() { $this->position = 0; } public function current() { return $this->array[$this->position]; } public function key() { return $this->position; } public function next() { ++$this->position; } public function valid() { return isset($this->array[$this->position]); } } try { $it = new MySeekableIterator; echo $it->current(), " "; $it->seek(2); echo $it->current(), " "; $it->seek(1); echo $it->current(), " "; $it->seek(10); } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } ?> The above example will output something similar to: first element third element second element invalid seek position(10) PHP Documentation Group SEEKABLEITERATOR(3)

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The RecursiveArrayIterator class

This iterator allows to unset and modify values and keys while iterating over Arrays and Objects in the same way as the ArrayIterator. Additionally it is possible to iterate over the current iterator entry. CLASS SYNOPSIS
RecursiveArrayIterator RecursiveArrayIteratorextends ArrayIteratorRecursiveIterator Methods o public RecursiveArrayIterator RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren (void ) o public bool RecursiveArrayIterator::hasChildren (void ) Inherits o public void ArrayIterator::append (mixed $value) o public void ArrayIterator::asort (void ) o public ArrayIterator::__construct ([mixed $array = array()], [int $flags]) o public int ArrayIterator::count (void ) o public mixed ArrayIterator::current (void ) o public array ArrayIterator::getArrayCopy (void ) o public void ArrayIterator::getFlags (void ) o public mixed ArrayIterator::key (void ) o public void ArrayIterator::ksort (void ) o public void ArrayIterator::natcasesort (void ) o public void ArrayIterator::natsort (void ) o public void ArrayIterator::next (void ) o public void ArrayIterator::offsetExists (string $index) o public mixed ArrayIterator::offsetGet (string $index) o public void ArrayIterator::offsetSet (string $index, string $newval) o public void ArrayIterator::offsetUnset (string $index) o public void ArrayIterator::rewind (void ) o public void ArrayIterator::seek (int $position) o public string ArrayIterator::serialize (void ) o public void ArrayIterator::setFlags (string $flags) o public void ArrayIterator::uasort (string $cmp_function) o public void ArrayIterator::uksort (string $cmp_function) o public string ArrayIterator::unserialize (string $serialized) o public bool ArrayIterator::valid (void ) PHP Documentation Group RECURSIVEARRAYITERATOR(3)
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