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hp(1) [plan9 man page]

HP(1)							      General Commands Manual							     HP(1)

hp - emulate an HP 2621 terminal SYNOPSIS
Hp replaces an 81/2 window with an emulation of an HP 2621 terminal. SOURCE
/sys/src/cmd/hp BUGS
Hp cannot resize a window. If a 24x80 screen is required, it can draw an outline (using a menu item on button 2) and will use only the space within the outline, but the user is responsible for resizing the window to fit the outline. Use care in setting echo and newline modes when connecting to Unix systems via con. It may also be necessary to set the emulator into raw mode manually (using a button 2 menu entry). HP(1)

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XEYES(1)						      General Commands Manual							  XEYES(1)

xeyes - a follow the mouse X demo SYNOPSIS
xeyes [-option ...] DESCRIPTION
Xeyes watches what you do and reports to the Boss. OPTIONS
-fg foreground color choose a different color for the pupil of the eyes. -bg background color choose a different color for the background. -outline outline color choose a different color for the outline of the eyes. -center center color choose a different color for the center of the eyes. -backing { WhenMapped Always NotUseful } selects an appropriate level of backing store. -geometry geometry define the initial window geometry; see X(7). -display display specify the display to use; see X(7). -bd border color choose a different color for the window border. -bw border width choose a different width for the window border. -shape uses the SHAPE extension to shape the window. This is the default. +shape disables use of the SHAPE extension to shape the window. -render uses Xrender to draw anti-aliased eyes. This is the default if xeyes has been compiled with Xrender support. +render disables Xrender and draws traditional eyes. -distance uses an alternative mapping, as if the eyes were set back from the screen, thus following the mouse more precisely. SEE ALSO
X(7), X Toolkit documentation See X(7) for a full statement of rights and permissions. AUTHOR
Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium Copied from the NeWS version written (apparently) by Jeremy Huxtable as seen at SIGGRAPH '88 X Version 11 xeyes 1.1.1 XEYES(1)
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