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sg(1) [posix man page]

SG(1)								   User Commands							     SG(1)

sg - execute command as different group ID SYNOPSIS
sg [-] [group [-c ] command] DESCRIPTION
The sg command works similar to newgrp but accepts a command. The command will be executed with the /bin/sh shell. With most shells you may run sg from, you need to enclose multi-word commands in quotes. Another difference between newgrp and sg is that some shells treat newgrp specially, replacing themselves with a new instance of a shell that newgrp creates. This doesn't happen with sg, so upon exit from a sg command you are returned to your previous group ID. CONFIGURATION
The following configuration variables in /etc/login.defs change the behavior of this tool: SYSLOG_SG_ENAB (boolean) Enable "syslog" logging of sg activity. FILES
/etc/passwd User account information. /etc/shadow Secure user account information. /etc/group Group account information. /etc/gshadow Secure group account information. SEE ALSO
id(1), login(1), newgrp(1), su(1), gpasswd(1), group(5), gshadow(5). shadow-utils 4.5 01/25/2018 SG(1)

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SG(1)                                                              User Commands                                                             SG(1)

sg - execute command as different group ID SYNOPSIS
sg [-] [group [-c ] command] DESCRIPTION
The sg command works similar to newgrp but accepts a command. The command will be executed with the /bin/sh shell. With most shells you may run sg from, you need to enclose multi-word commands in quotes. Another difference between newgrp and sg is that some shells treat newgrp specially, replacing themselves with a new instance of a shell that newgrp creates. This doesn't happen with sg, so upon exit from a sg command you are returned to your previous group ID. CONFIGURATION
The following configuration variables in /etc/login.defs change the behavior of this tool: SYSLOG_SG_ENAB (boolean) Enable "syslog" logging of sg activity. FILES
/etc/passwd User account information. /etc/shadow Secure user account information. /etc/group Group account information. /etc/gshadow Secure group account information. SEE ALSO
id(1), login(1), newgrp(1), su(1), gpasswd(1), group(5), gshadow(5). shadow-utils 4.5 01/25/2018 SG(1)
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