suse man page for xkbcomputesectionbounds

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XkbComputeSectionBounds(3)					   XKB FUNCTIONS					XkbComputeSectionBounds(3)

XkbComputeSectionBounds - Update the bounding box of a section
Bool XkbComputeSectionBounds (XkbGeometryPtr geom, XkbSectionPtr section);
- geom geometry that contains the section - section section to be examined and updated
If you add or delete a row to or from a section, or if you change the geometry of any of the rows in that section, you may need to update the bounding box for that section. XkbComputeSectionBounds examines all the rows of the section and updates the bounding box of that section so that it contains all rows. XkbComputeSectionBounds returns False if any of the arguments is NULL; otherwise, it returns True. X Version 11 libX11 1.3.2 XkbComputeSectionBounds(3)