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Secure Deployment of Oracle VM for SPARC

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Old 02-02-2011
Secure Deployment of Oracle VM for SPARC

Understand the general security concerns in virtualized environments as well as the specific additional threats that arise out of them.

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Jifty::DBI::Handle::Oracle(3pm) 			User Contributed Perl Documentation			   Jifty::DBI::Handle::Oracle(3pm)

Jifty::DBI::Handle::Oracle - An oracle specific Handle object SYNOPSIS
This module provides a subclass of Jifty::DBI::Handle that compensates for some of the idiosyncrasies of Oracle. METHODS
connect PARAMHASH: Driver, Database, Host, User, Password Takes a paramhash and connects to your DBI datasource. database_version Returns value of ORA_OCI constant, see "Constants" in DBD::Oracle. insert Takes a table name as the first argument and assumes that the rest of the arguments are an array of key-value pairs to be inserted. build_dsn PARAMHASH Takes a bunch of parameters: Required: Driver, Database or Host/SID, Optional: Port and RequireSSL Builds a dsn suitable for an Oracle DBI connection blob_params column_NAME column_type Returns a hash ref for the bind_param call to identify BLOB types used by the current database for a particular column type. The current Oracle implementation only supports ORA_CLOB types(112). apply_limits STATEMENTREF ROWS_PER_PAGE FIRST_ROW takes an SQL SELECT statement and massages it to return ROWS_PER_PAGE starting with FIRST_ROW; distinct_query STATEMENTREF takes an incomplete SQL SELECT statement and massages it to return a DISTINCT result set. AUTHOR
Jesse Vincent, SEE ALSO
Jifty::DBI, Jifty::DBI::Handle, DBD::Oracle perl v5.14.2 2011-04-26 Jifty::DBI::Handle::Oracle(3pm)