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Using EJB3 with Ajax

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Old 04-06-2008
Using EJB3 with Ajax

Learn how to build a Java EE application that uses Ajax, JavaServer Faces, and ADF Faces for the Web tier and EJB3 for the business logic.

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jpackage-utils(7)						RPM Java packaging						 jpackage-utils(7)

jpackage-utils - Utilities, macros and other files for the JPackage Project <http://www.jpackage.org/>: SYNOPSIS
build-classpath build the Java classpath in a portable manner build-jar-repository build a jar repository in a portable manner rebuild-jar-repository rebuild a jar repository in a portable manner (after a jvm change...) build-classpath-directory build the Java classpath from a directory diff-jars show jar content differences jvmjar install jvm extensions create-jar-links create custom jar links clean-binary-files remove binary files from sources check-binary-files check for presence of unexpected binary files DESCRIPTION
The JPackage Project has two primary goals: - To provide a coherent set of Java software packages for Linux, satisfying all quality requirements of other applications. - To establish an efficient and robust policy for Java software packaging and installation. We focus on free and open source software whenever possible. For convenience, we also provide non-free packages without the restricted source code. Our RPMs are generic in that they should work on any RPM based Linux distribution (Mandriva, Red Hat, SuSE, others). Other packaging format suggestions are welcome too. FILES
/use/share/java-utils/java-functions shell script functions library for Java applications /etc/java/jpackage-release string identifying the currently installed JPackage release /etc/java/java.conf system-wide Java configuration file ~/.java/java.conf user's Java configuration /etc/rpm/macros.jpackage RPM macros for Java packagers and developers SEE ALSO
Regular Manual Pages build-classpath(1) build-classpath-directory(1) build-jar-repository(1) check-binary-files(1) clean-binary-files(1) create-jar-links(1) diff-jars(1) find-jar(1) jvmjar(1) rebuild-jar-repository(1) rebuild-security-providers(1) java.conf(5) Documentation Following files are located in your standard documentation directory HEADER.JPP A standard header with license for spec files of JPackage Project clean-binary-files.txt A further documentation for check-binary-files(1), clean-binary-files(1) and create-jar-links(1) commands httpd-javadoc.conf Example JPackage javadoc configuration snippet for Apache jpackage-1.5-policy.xhtml JPackage Java infrastructure design and packaging policy jpackage-utils-policy JPackage packaging (naming) policy AUTHOR
Written by the JPackage Project REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs using JPackage Bugzilla (http://www.jpackage.org/bugzilla/) jpackage-utils 1.7.5 February 2009 jpackage-utils(7)