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Basic Java Persistence API Best Practices

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Old 09-11-2008
Basic Java Persistence API Best Practices

Consider and employ these simple approaches to make your Java Persistence API applications more maintainable.

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GRMIREGISTRY(1)                                                         GNU                                                        GRMIREGISTRY(1)

grmiregistry - - Remote object registry SYNOPSIS
grmiregistry starts a remote object registry on the current host. If no port number is specified, then port 1099 is used. OPTIONS
Registry process control: -restart Restart RMI naming service, clearing persistent naming database, if any. -stop Stop RMI naming service. Persistence: -persistent Make RMI naming service persistent. -directory DIR Directory in which to store persistent data. Debugging: -verbose Log binding events to standard out. Standard options: -help Print help text, then exit. -version Print version number, then exit. -JOPTION Pass argument to the Java runtime. BUGS
java(1), ... AUTHOR
0.98 2010-07-05 GRMIREGISTRY(1)