command to remove multiple commands in particular columns

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting command to remove multiple commands in particular columns
# 8  
Old 06-18-2011

# NFIELD (from 1)



while read s; do
    for ch in `echo $s | sed 's/./& /g'`; do
        case $ch in
               ,) [ $INSIDE -eq  0 ] &&  echo , || echo ' ' ;;
              \") INSIDE=$((! $INSIDE)); echo $ch ;;
             ' ') : ;;
               *) echo $ch ;;
    done | 
        tr -d "\n" | 
        awk -F, '{ 
                    gsub(" ", "", $'$NFIELD') 
                    gsub(" ", ",")

% ./ 1 < testfile

% ./ 2 < testfile

% ./ 3 < testfile

Though it doesn't work with real csv files because of spaces (it can be fixed easy enough) and '\,' , '\"', and other issues in csv files.

Last edited by yazu; 06-18-2011 at 02:45 AM..
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