Pad Zeros at the end

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Pad Zeros at the end
# 1  
Old 12-13-2011
Pad Zeros at the end

I have number/strings like below
input =23412133
output = 234121330000 (depends on the number give at runtime)
i need to padd zeros based on runtime input . i tried below
printf ' %d%04d\n', "23412133";
But the precision 4 is static here how can i pass this as runtime input.
i am using this is shell script

# 2  
Old 12-13-2011
Adding zeros to the end of a number changes its value, so printf isn't set up to do that.

Could you be more clear on your requirements, do you want to know how to use arguments within a script/function $1 $2... or are you wondering how to add orders of magnitude to an integer?
# 3  
Old 12-13-2011
how many zeroes you need to add at the end..?
if it is 4 always then simply multiply that no. by 10000 and then print.
# 4  
Old 12-13-2011
i have shell script
While <read file>
ecode=`echo $line | cut -d"|" -f4`
length=`echo $line | cut -d"|" -f5`
example ecode will have 
i need to append zeros at the end of the each based on the length field

# 5  
Old 12-13-2011
go with this ..
$ z=10
$ echo "1234 * 10^$z" | bc

# 6  
Old 12-13-2011
try this:


{         $tmp=$tmp/10; $count++;      }


print $output;

Last edited by Franklin52; 12-13-2011 at 08:26 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data samples, thank you
# 7  
Old 12-13-2011
This works for padding zeros ... if i want to append any other character ?



i want to append zero and nine's

1212100000 1212199999

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