Extract and count number of Duplicate rows

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# 1  
Old 03-08-2013
Extract and count number of Duplicate rows

Hi All,

I need to extract duplicate rows from a file and write these bad records into another file. And need to have a count of these bad records.
i have a command
awk '
  for(i in s) {
    if(s[i]>1) {
      print i

but this doesnt solve my problem.
HTML Code:
HTML Code:
Desired Output:
Count of bad records=3
But when i run my script i get out put as:
Count of bad records=2. Which is not true.
As always any help appreciated.
# 2  
Old 03-08-2013
I hope that this is what you want:
awk '
  for(i in s) {
      print i;

# 3  
Old 03-08-2013
Yes man, I tested and it's working.
Thanks very much for the code. Can you please explain what basically it does? The for loop specifically.

Thanks again for the help!
# 4  
Old 03-08-2013
awk '
{s[$0]++}              # this populate an array, the number of elements is the distinct value in the file (A B C) 
END {                  # and the value is the count of each element: eg. if i=A --> s[i]=3
  for(i in s) {        # for each distinct value i in s
  for(j=1;j<s[i];j++){ # s[i] is the count of element i: in this way
      print i;         # print s[i]-1 times the element i

# 5  
Old 03-08-2013
I don't see the need for the END clause for this problem. Doesn't:
awk 'c[$0]++{print}' ${TMP_DUPE_RECS}>${TMP_BAD_DATA_DUPE_RECS}

produce the same output?
When reading records, if the record has been seen more than one time, print it then.

But, looking at it again, this is the same as the script you initially provided that you said was not working.
If what you want is the input lines that are not duplicated that would be:
awk 'c[$0]++==0{print}' ${TMP_DUPE_RECS}>${TMP_BAD_DATA_DUPE_RECS}

which produces the output:

which is not what was originally requested.

If there is only one word on each input line, and you want to print lines that are duplicates of previous lines (ignoring leading whitespace), try:
awk 'c[$1]++{print}' ${TMP_DUPE_RECS}>${TMP_BAD_DATA_DUPE_RECS}

which produces the output:

but this still isn't the output originally requested. Please explain in more detail what it is that you want AND give us sample input and output that match your description.

Last edited by Don Cragun; 03-08-2013 at 03:36 PM.. Reason: Noticed that output doesn't match original request...
# 6  
Old 03-09-2013
Sounds like you want to know:

1) identity of duplicated (bad) rows.
2) count of duplicated (bad) rows.

What about the much simpler:
$ uniq -c temp.x | grep -v " 1 "
      3 A
      2 B

If you want to change 2 -> 1, 3 -> 2 in further step, that would be easy.
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