Generate a Summary report

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# 1  
Old 03-15-2013
Generate a Summary report

Hi All,

Script to meet my requirement might be simpler for UINIX experts.. Smilie
I need to generate an summary report in .txt file using shell script

I have Reject directory in Unix server which contains all reject files for three diff categories- Presentation, Chapter and Scene

Following are the reject files



Summary report Should be generated by identifying the file name and size. If any of the file size related to Presentation (*_Presentation.csv) is > 0 then. The summary report should display - "Presentation file has error in loading"
If all files related to presentation are 0 size then it should display "Presentation file loaded successfully"

Now my Summary report should look like below


Presentation file has loaded successfully
Chapter file has error in loading
Scene file has error in loading


Kindly help me with the code. I need it urgently.
# 2  
Old 03-15-2013
for file in Presentation Chapter Scene
count=$(find . -type f -prune -name "*_$file.csv" -size +0c -print | wc -l)
if [ $count -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$file file has error in loading" >> logfile
echo "$file file has loaded successfully" >> logfile

Hope this helps
# 3  
Old 03-15-2013

Your code cause the "Reject" directory to be scanned 3 times ...
you should change it to do it in one pass instead. Smilie
# 4  
Old 03-15-2013
find . -type f -prune \( -name "*_Presentation.csv" -o -name "*_Chapter.csv" -o -name "*_Scene.csv" \) -size +0c -print | awk ' /Presentation/{p=p+1}
END {print p, c, s}' | read Presentation Chapter Scene
for count in $Presentation $Chapter $Scene
if [ $count -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$count file has error in loading" >> logfile
echo "$count file has loaded successfully" >> logfile

@ctsgnb: Hope this does the trick Smilie
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