Passing multiple arguments

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Passing multiple arguments
# 1  
Old 05-21-2014
Passing multiple arguments


I know with getopts you can pass arguments from the command line
./script -ab -c apple

But it doesn't support 2 or more arguments for ONE option. Is there any other way to do this?

# 2  
Old 05-21-2014
Is this a homework assignment?

The getopts documentation doesn't mention it (and the standards discourage it), but if you read between the lines in the man page there are ways to do it. If you show us an example of a couple of options and the option arguments you want to associate with those options (along with the code you've tried so far) and I'll try to help you fix the getopts code you've got to make it work for these cases.

It has been a while since I did this; you may lose the ability to reliably group multiple options without option arguments behind a single minus-sign if you do this and you have operands following the options on your command line. If you need to do this, I'll have to dig deeper to see what the restrictions might be.

(Note that it is already past my bedtime, so I probably won't get back to you for several hours.)
# 3  
Old 05-22-2014
You can embed a delimiter in the argument, then parse the string.
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