Help with awk/shell script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help with awk/shell script
# 8  
Old 07-23-2007
Originally Posted by inditopgun
I would like to write a shell script which will read a list of filenames(with absolute paths) from a file and then determine the just filename component (without the absolute path and the file extension) and the file extension (if any)

The example list of filenames are as below :


So the filenames may or may not have extensions and also, the filenames might have special characters like ".", "_" embedded in them.

You can do it entirely within the shell; there is no need for external commands:

while IFS= read -r path
  printf "PATH:  %s\nFILE: %s\n EXT: %s\n\n" "$path" "$file" "$ext"


# 9  
Old 07-23-2007
Originally Posted by inditopgun
My problem is getting the file extension (especially returning null when there is no extenson per se e.g. /usr/local/bin/perl) That's the part which I am struggling with.
Do you mean something like this?
(this is zsh)

$ while read;do print "name: \"$REPLY:t:r\"  extension: \"${${REPLY:e}:-null}\"";done<infile
name: "a"  extension: "java"
name: "perl"  extension: "null"
name: "gtar"  extension: "null"
name: "abcd,efgh_ijkl.mnop"  extension: "xml"

Last edited by radoulov; 07-23-2007 at 05:06 PM.. Reason: spelling corrected :)
# 10  
Old 07-23-2007

Thanks guys for your quick replies! Here is a summary of my testing the various solutions proposed by various people above :

cfajohnson - For some reason your solution returned PATH value for EXT when filename didn't have extension (e.g. /usr/local/bin/perl)

radoulov - Sorry couldn't test your solution because I am using sh and ksh only on our boxes. So can't really tell whether it works

Shell Life - Your solution worked like charm and handled all possible filetypes I have in my test environment

thanks again for helping me out! appreciate it.

So here is the solution I landed up using in my script :



for cfilename in `cat filelist.txt | sort -u`
filename_w_ext=`basename $cfilename`
filename=`echo $filename_w_ext | sed 's;\(.*\)\..*;\1;'`
if [ ${#filename_w_ext} -eq ${#filename} ]; then
file_extension=`echo $filename_w_ext | sed 's/.*\.//'`
echo $filename_w_ext
echo $filename
echo $file_extension
# 11  
Old 07-23-2007
Originally Posted by inditopgun
Thanks guys for your quick replies! Here is a summary of my testing the various solutions proposed by various people above :

cfajohnson - For some reason your solution returned PATH value for EXT when filename didn't have extension (e.g. /usr/local/bin/perl)

Which is why I followed it up with a correction.


for cfilename in `cat filelist.txt | sort -u`

That will fail if any of the lines contain spaces.

And cat is unnecessary:

for cfilename in `sort -u filelist.txt`

If you want the file sorted, and duplicates removed, use:

sort -u filelist.txt | while IFS= read -r path
  case $file in
    *.*) ext=${path##*.} ;;
    *) ext= ;;
  printf "PATH:  %s\nFILE: %s\n EXT: %s\n\n" "$path" "$file" "$ext"


This script will be orders of magnitude faster than one which calls external commands (three of them!) for every line of the file.

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