UpStare 0.9.12 (Default branch)

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Old 09-17-2008
UpStare 0.9.12 (Default branch)

UpStare is a dynamic software updating system for multi-threaded userspace applications that applies immediate updates using stack reconstruction. The program state and the program code are updated immediately in a single step. It is not necessary to wait indefinitely for a quiescent program state. A running algorithm can be updated midstream its execution and resumed from a different point (not necessarily the beginning) of another algorithm. License: Freely Distributable Changes:
This release fixes a critical issue in the runtime in determining which children have died and should be ignored when coordinating an update with children. It also handles non-blocking file descriptors created with open() and pipe(), and calls to select() with a pointer (possibly set to NULL) timeout argument that would block indefinitely. With these changes, the system can update PostgreSQL while multiple clients are connected to it. Image


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maxtsiz(5)							File Formats Manual							maxtsiz(5)

maxtsiz, maxtsiz_64bit - maximum size (in bytes) of the text segment for any user process VALUES
Default Allowed values DESCRIPTION
User programs on HP-UX systems are composed of five discrete segments of virtual memory: text (or code), data, stack, shared, and I/O. Each segment occupies an architecturally defined range of the virtual address space which sets the upper limit to their size. However, text, data and stack segments may have a smaller maximum enforced via the and tunables. controls the size of the text segment, which is the read-only executable object code for the process that can be shared by multiple pro- cesses executing the same program. For example, all copies of vi on the system use the same text segment. Who is Expected to Change This Tunable? Anyone. Restrictions on Changing Changes to this tunable take effect immediately. The size is expected to be a multiple of the base page size. See the description of in getconf(1) for more details. If the value specified is not a multiple of the base page size, it will be rounded down to the nearest multi- ple of the base page size. When Should the Value of This Tunable Be Raised? should be raised if user processes are receiving the error with the following message: or What Are the Side Effects of Raising the Value? None. When Should the Value of This Tunable Be Lowered? This tunable should be lowered to limit the text size of running processes; there is no system performance reason to do so though. What Are the Side Effects of Lowering the Value? None. What Other Tunable Values Should Be Changed at the Same Time? None. WARNINGS
All HP-UX kernel tunable parameters are release specific. This parameter may be removed or have its meaning changed in future releases of HP-UX. Installation of optional kernel software, from HP or other vendors, may cause changes to tunable parameter values. After installation, some tunable parameters may no longer be at the default or recommended values. For information about the effects of installation on tun- able values, consult the documentation for the kernel software being installed. For information about optional kernel software that was factory installed on your system, see at AUTHOR
was developed by HP. SEE ALSO
getconf(1), maxdsiz(5), maxssiz(5). Tunable Kernel Parameters maxtsiz(5)