libballistics 1.0.0 (Default branch)

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Old 01-20-2009
libballistics 1.0.0 (Default branch)

Imagelibballistics is an external ballistics librarywhich uses manywidely-accepted mathematical formulas to calculatethe bullet pathfor a given projectile. Functions are available toadjust foratmospheric conditions, conversions, and steppedballistic coefficients.libballistics is very efficient and runs well onmobile devices. It isthe engine used in "Ballistic" for the iPhone.Image


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CLAUSEFILTER(1) 					      General Commands Manual						   CLAUSEFILTER(1)

clausefilter - filter formulas with models SYNOPSIS
clausefilter <interpretations-file> <test> < <formulas-file> > <passing-formulas-file> DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly the clausefilter command. Given a set of interpretations, a test to perform, and a stream of formulas, clausefilter outputs the formulas that pass the test. TESTS
The following tests are available. true_in_all Formula true in all interpretations. true_in_some Formula true in some interpretation. false_in_all Formula false in all interpretations. false_in_some Formula false in some interpretation. SEE ALSO
prover9(1), mace4(1). Full documentation for clausefilter is found in the prover9 manual, available on Debian systems in the prover9-doc package at /usr/share/doc/prover9-doc/manual/index.html. AUTHOR
clausefilter was written by William McCune <> This manual page was written by Peter Collingbourne <>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others). January 20, 2007 CLAUSEFILTER(1)