Ask the Experts Session Transcript: JRuby Support in NetBeans 6
Enhancements to the JRuby debugger, Matisse-like tools, thread safety -- these topics and more were covered in an Ask the Experts session on JRuby support in NetBeans 6. <span class="bluearrows">Read the transcript
How can I install netbeans on Solaris. Is there a package manager like yum for Fedora. I have tried pkg install netbeans, doesnt find it. Already preformed pkg install slim_install and it installed the jre. However if I run the sh file downloaded for netbeans it says no compatible JDK found.
Now... (2 Replies)
what is the difference between desktop session and console session in solaris
as i am wondering we use option -text for the former and -nowin for the later (1 Reply)
I am not able to login in gnome session and java session in Sun solaris 9& 10 respectively through xmanager as a nis user, I am able to login in common desktop , but gnome session its not allowing , when I have given login credentials, its coming back to login screen, what shoul I do to allow nis... (0 Replies)
Apologies if anyone has read my recent post on the same subject in the Linux forum, just thought actually the solution might more likely come from scripting.
Essentially, I am trying to restrict access to directories based on the user's name AND their location on a session-by-session... (3 Replies)
Can netbeans IDE be installed and used on hp-ux?
Sorry I know this is more java specific but does anybody have any experience with this? There does not seem to be any specific installation or support from netbeans. (0 Replies)
Hi there.
How do I make the DB connection see the parameter variables passed to the unix script ? The code snippet below isn't working properly.
sqlplus << EOF
Thanks in advance,
Abrahao. (2 Replies)
Apache::Session::Generate::MD5(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Apache::Session::Generate::MD5(3pm)NAME
Apache::Session::Generate::MD5 - Use MD5 to create random object IDs
use Apache::Session::Generate::MD5;
$id = Apache::Session::Generate::MD5::generate();
This module fulfills the ID generation interface of Apache::Session. The IDs are generated using a two-round MD5 of a random number, the
time since the epoch, the process ID, and the address of an anonymous hash. The resultant ID number is highly entropic on Linux and other
platforms that have good random number generators. You are encouraged to investigate the quality of your system's random number generator
if you are using the generated ID numbers in a secure environment.
This module can also examine session IDs to ensure that they are, indeed, session ID numbers and not evil attacks. The reader is
encouraged to consider the effect of bogus session ID numbers in a system which uses these ID numbers to access disks and databases.
This modules takes one argument in the usual Apache::Session style. The argument is IDLength, and the value, between 0 and 32, tells this
module where to truncate the session ID. Without this argument, the session ID will be 32 hexadecimal characters long, equivalent to a
128-bit key.
This module was written by Jeffrey William Baker <>.
perl v5.10.1 2010-10-18 Apache::Session::Generate::MD5(3pm)