How to grep for a backslash in a for loop statement
Hello everyone,
My main objective is to search for text within a file, namely a block of text where each line ends with a backslash "\".
However, the block must begin with a keyword, like "loginstring".
Here is an example of a file that contains a block:
I would like to run a for loop through the file, line by line, and if i come across the keyword, see if the line ends in a backslash
here is the code I have now.
However, when i run the code above on the file, I get an error
"grep: RE error in \ trailing \ in pattern"
which I think has to do with the for loop syntax, since the
command works when its by itself, just not with the tick marks " ` " around it.
Does anyone know how to grep for a backslash and use the output in a for loop?
I tried google, but I haven't found anything that shows how to use the \\\\ escape character inside the tick marks.
Last edited by idlechatter; 07-06-2011 at 02:07 PM..
Reason: changed title
I'm trying to read the /usr/dt/config/C/Xresources file, specifically, the greeting.
The file looks like this
I just want to print out the "Dtlogin*greeting.labelString: " line and what it is set to.
So the output would be:
I did find a workaround to that code i posted above. Instead of doing the grep inside the for loop, you grep and redirect output to a file, and loop over that file.
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$cat tp.ksh
for i in `grep $1 | cut -d "/" -f 5 | cut -d" " -f2`
fgrep $i $1 | grep 'with value' | cut -d "|" -f 2
$tp.ksh test_data.plan_49989_2015-05-01-00-13-38.log
command doesnot return the values. (5 Replies)
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but I need this script to be generic and loop over the following table
awk '$4>(55518622-500000) && $4<(55518622+500000)' chr1_GEN2bim | awk 'BEGIN {min=1000000000; max=0;}; {\
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Inside of this line
screen -p 0 -S ${SCREEN_SESSION} -X stuff "`printf "say ${fortune_lines}\r"`"
And I am lost at this point.
I am thinking something like this?
Then make it loop..
... (7 Replies)
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grep "" .bash_historyWhy does this not work when grepping for a backslash?
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For i=1 to 10
tar cvfb /... 5*i /junk(i)
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Hi ,
I am doing invert grep using -v but the string contain "/" which break the grep command and it do not skip the lines with "/" on it.
< <td align="right" valign="middle" class="paddingRight2px" id="featureListItemChannelButton7466">
> <td... (6 Replies)
Hi ,
I am doing invert grep using -v but the string contain "/" which break the grep command and it do not skip the lines with "/" on it.
< <td align="right" valign="middle" class="paddingRight2px" id="featureListItemChannelButton7466">
> <td... (1 Reply)